Saturday, December 17, 2005

Talking About Squidoo

Talking About Squidoo...

I encourage you to have a look at the potential of Squidoo... perhaps take a look first at "DandyCandy: Everyones an Expert" for a great synopsis of what Squidoo is all about... then move on over to itself and just have a look around..... I'm sure you'll be impressed.

Friday, December 16, 2005

DHC Soul on Squidoo: A Cybernetics Metalens

As indicated previously, I have a number of Squidoo Lenses -- so far all concentrated around the topics of Cybernetics, General Systems Theory, and Systems Thinking -- all with a "management application" focus.

The best starting place for access to these is through a "Metalens" (or if you wish, a "start here guide") to the Squidoo Lenses I and others have created on Squidoo .... you can find it at

Squidoo Beta - Public Viewing

I've been participating in the Squidoo Beta ...

I now have several lenses that deal with the subjects of Cybernetics and General Systems Theory... I'll have more posts about that later... but for now I encourage you to have a look at the potential of Squidoo... perhaps take a look first at "DandyCandy: Everyones an Expert" for a great synopsis of what Squidoo is all about... then move on over to itself and just have a look around..... I'm sure you'll be impressed.

Squidoo Lenses by DHC Soul Cybernetics | Viable Systems Model | General Systems Theory | Invention and Innovation | Cybernetics History and Biographies | Cybernetics Journals | Systems Thinking | Second Order Cybernetics | A Squidoo lens on Cybernetic Lenses | Anthropocybernetics | Errors | Educational Cybernetics | Me, Myself, and I | Complex Event Processing | Global Brain | Systems Science | Cybernetics Library | Applied Cybernetics | Sociocybernetics | k2 Cybernetics | Macroscope | Lens on Lens | Biological Cybernetics |